Get Your Network Working

The programme that shows you how to build and grow a new revenue stream for your business through networking.  

Improve your communication and confidence whilst networking

It’s time to start attending the right networking meetings for your business success.

If you are a business owner, you know that referrals and recommendations are the best way to generate sales.

These come from networking, but you’re unsure where to start.

Imagine a world where you weren’t currently chasing every sale.

Here’s what you might not know

Building relationships is more than sending random messages to connect or handing out business cards.

You need to build the know, like and trust factor before recommending new connections to your family, friends, and co-workers.

Here’s what you can expect from good networking.

Access to your ideal client: Networking can give you access to business categories already connected with your ideal clients.

New business & personal opportunities: Networking can open doors to new partnerships, collaborations, partnerships, and business ventures plus job opportunities.

Access to new resources: Networking can provide you with resources like mentorship, advice, and shared expertise that can accelerate your personal and professional growth.

Support network with lasting friendships: Networking can provide a support network when business is tough and you need help and guidance, plus when its booming celebrates your successes with you.

You’ll make lifelong friends through networking

You might think that networking is just about soulless selling but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

So, you plucked up the courage to go to your first meeting. But what the heck do you do next?

You’ll will leave the meeting with one of two reactions:

Inspired and can’t wait to return.


Deflated and vowing never to return.

The fact is that most networkers don’t prepare before they go and then don’t follow up after they have been.

Here’s why that can be a massive problem.

The number of opportunities that are missed can run into thousand’s.

4 Reasons Networkers generally fail to make networking a regular business activity


They are overwhelmed with the choice of meetings to go to.

Overwhelm always leads to inaction. Finding the right group to network in takes time. It’s important to try a few groups before settling into a routine with the right group of businesses and individuals.


They think their business is too new or too small.

It’s never too early to start networking. You might be working on a new business idea and spending time with local businesses will give you access to resources and support that could be critical for you to get your business off the ground. You might have recently launched a business, and what better way to share the passion you have with a group of interested business owners. When it comes to size, all businesses started somewhere.


They don’t know how or what to prepare before a meeting.

Picture the scene, you’ve signed up for your first networking event. You’ve figured out what to wear, where you’ll park, and packed your business cards. New attendees will have not looked at the expected attendee list, they won’t have identified who/what business types ‘in the room’ might be a good connection for them, and they won’t their elevator pitch nailed.  


They don’t have enough time.

The classic reason why business owners don’t network. It is often seen as a ‘luxury’ in business, just going off for a lunch or coffee and cake. Networking should be seen as a key pillar in every business marketing activity.

Networking can cause anxiety and be stress inducing. Often When meeting new connections your imposter syndrome might kick in.

These feelings are normal, by recognising them you can work on strategies to build confidence and resilience.

Here’s what Jenni said when she first started networking.

“The idea of standing up in front of a room full of people to talk about my business left my stomach in knots and my heart rate through the roof. My mouth went dry, and my brain went to mush. I know that building relationships is vital to the success of my business and networking is the best way to meet new people, but walking into a room full of strangers for the first time was (and still is) nerve-wracking”.

Jenni is a new business owner and 4 months into her business she is halfway to reaching her monthly financial goal, all through her networking connections.



Get Your Network Working Programme

The programme that shows you how to build and grow a new revenue stream for your business.

This live online programme gives you everything I have learnt from my 30+ years in business plus lessons for the regular networking I take part in, which generates over 80% of the revenue into my Interior Design business.


Get Your Network Working Programme

Isn’t just a training programme but a practical safe space for you to practise everything that you learn to networking like a ninja.

The programme is hosted over 13 weeks live on zoom, with all sessions recorded and available on demand.

You’ll learn the strategies to network effectively, have a step-by-step plan that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted as you go on your networking journey.

By the end of the programme, you’ll be networking effectively in the right groups for you and your business, building new connections and building your business.

Get Your Networking Working Programme

is the first of its kind that…

Gives you the tools you need to find the right networking group for your business.

From established breakfast meetings to afternoon soirees, you’ll identify the right networking group for you and your business. You’ll learn how to find out who’s attending and plan who you’re looking to connect with.

Teaches you how to build effective relationships.

You’ll learn which connections are going to be key for your business, and which for you own personal development. You’ll learn how to build those relationships, and tips on how to keep those relationships going even long after your first meeting.

Shows you how to set networking goals and strategies.

It’s important to know your returns on your investment when it comes to networking – both in time and in money.

Teaches you how to network with the bonus of a safe space to practise what you learn.

Throughout the programme there will be time and space to practise. Whether it’s crafting and delivering your perfect pitch or knowing how to navigate a room of business owners and extract yourself from ‘tricky’ conversations.

Here’s how it all breaks down


Getting ready to network

  • Practical steps to prepare for networking.
  • Why networking is worth investing in
  • Debunking common networking myths
  • Resetting from negative networking experiences.


Crafting and delivering memorable pitches.

  • What to include in a great elevator pitch
  • How to be more memorable
  • Three things you want a connection to remember.


Building and nurturing valuable relationships

  • How many relationships can or should you build.
  • Who’s connected to your ideal client.
  • Making a great first impression when promoting your business
  • How and when to follow up
  • Tracking relationships


Identifying the most suitable meetings for your business

  • Types of networking meetings
  • What’s right for you and your business.
  • Where to look for meetings and events.
  • How much time to dedicate to networking.


Establishing and measuring networking goals

  • Setting networking goals – it’s not just about the revenue.
  • Tracking the impact of networking
  • Giving businesses your support
  • Asking businesses for support


Practical guides & strategies

  • How to gracefully exit unproductive conversations.
  • How to introduce yourself into a conversation huddle

And to make sure you’re supported every step of the way; you’ll also get access to a private WhatsApp group for the programme.

The group will be open for the duration of the programme and for three month’s after. It’s a space to ask questions, get feedback, celebrate successes, and get support when you’re heading out to networking meetings. The group is optional to join.

You will also receive a digital workbook containing useful resources and a space to capture all your notes and learnings.

Imagine what the world would be like if….


  • You had regular referrals to your ideal clients.
  • You knew what to expect from networking.
  • You had clear goals and could measure the impact of networking.
  • You had a safe space to practise your networking skills.
  • You didn’t feel anxious walking into a room of strangers.
  • Your business connections were all looking out for each other.

That’s what I aim to achieve with the


Get Your Network Working Programme



Get Your Network Working


You’ll get access to….


  • The full 13-week online programme
  • Access to a WhatsApp group for Q&A, support & celebrations
  • Digital workbook with resources
  • On Demand recordings from all the sessions

The Programme Promise


Within 3 months of completing the Get Your Network Working programme you will see a 5x return on the investment you make to network.



  • You will have identified and be building 6 new business connections that are connected to your ideal client and passing leads.
  • You will have increased the conversion rate from lead to buy through warmer introductions.
  • You will have increased visibility of your business in the real world.

The Investment


One full Payment of



Three monthly payments of


Need help or got questions?
Chat with me on 01702 781878 or drop me an email at

This programme is for you if:


  • You are looking for a new revenue stream for your business in 2024.
  • You have started networking but you’re not sure how to make it work for you.
  • You are not sure where to network and who with.
  • You don’t know who your ideal business connectors are.
  • You don’t know how to craft and deliver a set of ‘pitches’ to make you memorable (in all the right ways).
  • You don’t know how to set goals and track the impact of networking in your business.
  • You want to build new relationships for both business and personal.
  • You want to spend time with businesses sharing the highs and lows of being a business owner.
  • You want to feel confident walking into a room full of strangers.
  • You want strategies to avoid unproductive conversations.


1. What is the "Get Your Network Working" program, and how does it work?

The program is a 13-week online programme for participants to build the skills and tools they need to be confident in networking. The programme runs weekly for 1 hour on zoom and is made up of group lessons and practise sessions in smaller groups. The lessons will cover the following topics:

Debunking common networking myths

Building and nurturing valuable relationships

Crafting and delivering memorable pitches

Identifying the most suitable meetings for your business

Establishing and measuring networking goals

Practical guides, including strategies for gracefully exiting unproductive conversations.

2. Who is this program designed for? Is it suitable for beginners?

The program is designed for anyone looking to improve their networking experience, to ensure that they are getting the most from their financial and time invest in networking.

It is designed for business owners and team members that network on behalf of the business.

3. What are the key benefits of participating in this networking program?

The program is run by an experienced networker who can provide valuable insight and guidance, to ensure participants can navigate networking events and make meaningful connections.  It is made up of lessons and practical activities, to allow the participants a safe space to practise what they learn.

Participants will have a clear roadmap for their networking journey, along with the confident and knowledge of the right network for them.

4. How long does the program last, and what is the time commitment required?

The program runs for 13 weeks and will be hosted on zoom on a 1-hour weekly call. It is expected that outside of the programme participants will spend 1-2 hours each week practising the skills they learn.

All calls will be recorded, and available in a private portal for participants.

5. Are there any prerequisites or specific skills required to join the program?

No, there are no prerequisites or specific skills needed.

6. Will there be opportunities to practice networking skills in real-life situations?

On alternate weeks, there will be an opportunity to practise networking skills in smaller groups. The groups will be rotated on a weekly basis to ensure participants get to connect with as many people as possible.

During the programme, participants will be encouraged to attend local face to face networking events.  This is optional.

7. What kind of support and resources will participants receive throughout the program?

At the start of the program all participants will receive a digital workbook to capture all notes from the program. The workbook will include practical information and relevant resources.

During the program all participants will be added into a WhatsApp group for general support and help from both the trainer, and fellow participants. Participants choose whether to add themselves into the group. The group will be set up for the duration of the program, and for one month after. There will be clear rules set out once the group is opened.

8. How much does the program cost, and are there any payment options or discounts available?

The beta program which starts in January 2024 costs £750. This can be paid as one payment or be split across three payments of £250 each.

9. What happens after I complete the program? Is there any ongoing support or networking opportunities for alumni?

On competition of the program participants will receive a digital ‘Recognition of Completion’ certificate.

Participants will receive a regular email newsletter updating them on networking news.

It is expected that participants will make connections during the program and share contact details, to continue to build relationships outside the programme.

10. What is the refund policy?

Due to the live nature of the programme, there is a strict no refund policy. Contact if you have additional questions before making a purchase.

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